
now you can see
Note: For best results, a maximum of 20 simultaneous users is suggested.
Delete User: Delete user account.
Current Users: Currently registered users.
Reboot: Restart the Network DVR.
Firmware update: Updates the rmware, if a new rmware version becomes available.
Firmware updates may be available at www.SVAT.com (advanced users only).
Restore factory default conguration: Click “Restore factory default conguration” to return to
factory default settings (Please restart the Network DVR after setup has been completed).
Before calling technical support 1.866.946.7828, try the following troubleshooting tips:
Problem Solution
No picture
- Make sure the TV/monitor is on the correct input channel
- Check all connections and make sure cameras/DVR
are powered on
No sound
- Make sure that audio is enabled in the DVR menu
- If using a microphone, ensure that it is connectedb
and turned on
- If using an audio supported camera, ensure that
sound is enabled
- Check all RCA audio connections
No images is shown on the
web page
- Please follow “8.4.1 Install ActiveX”, setup the IE set-
tings, and install ActiveX.
IPEdit is unable to detect
the DVR’s IP Address
- Please check your rewall or antivirus software
Some software may block IP edit from accessing the
network. In Windows Firewall, you may have to add
IPedit.exe to the “exceptions” list.
- Reconnect the Ethernet cable
- See the network guide for more troubleshooting tips.