The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour Three: Your List of Recordings
All the programs recorded by your TiVo
DVR appear on the Now Playing List—your
complete list of recordings. No more searching through unlabeled videotapes!
1. To go to the Now Playing list, press the TiVo button twice, or select Now Playing List from
the TiVo Central
screen. Your new DVR may already contain some short programs.
2. Highlight any title on the Now Playing List (even a program that’s still recording) and press
PLAY. The program plays from the beginning.
Program Information
If you prefer, you can highlight any title in Now Playing and press SELECT to see the program
information screen, which offers these options:
• Play or Resume playing (if you’re returning to a partially watched program).
• Keep until... By default, programs you record are saved until space is needed for new
recordings. The oldest ones may be deleted to make room for new recordings. However, you
always have the option to keep a program for as long as you want. Just select Keep Until....
and on the next screen you can choose Keep Until I Delete, or specify a date.
• Delete Now or Stop Recording (if recording is in progress)
• Save to VCR. See page 35 for details.
Now Playing Tips
• From any program information screen, press INFO (or DISPLAY if your remote doesn’t
have an INFO button) to see program details.
• When a program ends, you have the option to delete it. If you don’t delete it, the program is
available to watch again from the beginning on the Now Playing List.
Icons to the left of the program’s title tell you the
recording’s current status. See the Glossary of
Icons on the inside back cover for details.
Programs appear on the Now
Playing List the moment recording
begins, so you can start watching a show
while it’s still being recorded!