Watching Programs
The Channel Banner
The channel banner appears whenever you change the channel, but you can also view it while
you’re watching a program. It has information about the program you’re watching, and
shortcuts to other useful features of the TiVo
To view the channel banner while watching a live or recorded program, press INFO (or
DISPLAY if your remote does not have an INFO button).
Channel Banner Icons
Icons in the large version of the channel banner are shortcuts that take you to the corresponding
feature. Use the UP/DOWN arrows while the large channel banner is visible to highlight an
icon, then press SELECT.
Record. Select this icon to record the program. If a recording is in
progress, select the icon to stop the recording.
Parental Controls. If Parental Controls are off, the lock icon appears
unlocked and dim. If they are on, the icon is locked and bright. If they
are temporarily off, the icon is unlocked and bright.
Messages. If the envelope icon is bright, you have new messages from
the TiVo service. Select the icon to go to the Messages list.
You can also press RIGHT arrow to
display the channel banner. Keep
pressing RIGHT arrow to change the size of
the channel banner. Press LEFT arrow or
CLEAR to hide it.