Turning back on dual carriageways is not considered as a u-turn.
Note: If you are not totally against u-turns, leave them on here, and add a certain
penalty (equivalent extra distance to travel) in Advanced settings Route options
(Page 70).
Note: Via points are handled as stopovers with regards to u-turns. It means disabling
u-turns on this page will avoid u-turns during the entire route if possible, but when
reaching a via point, the following part of the route may be planned starting in the
opposite direction. Permit needed
To use some roads or enter some areas you may need special permit or permission
from the owners. These roads are excluded from your routes by default. Use this
switch if your vehicle is authorised to enter. Toll Roads
Toll roads are included in your routes by default. If you wish to travel more to avoid
paying a toll, disabling them will make Uniden Navigation plan the best toll-free route
for you.
Note: You have a few more ways to inuence routing and route recalculation in
Advanced settings Route options (Page 69).
5.5 Language & Units
Here you can set the languages, measurement units, and date and time formats used
by Uniden Navigation.
5.5.1 Program language
This button displays the current written language of the program. By tapping the
button you can select from a list of available languages. Uniden Navigation will have
to be restarted if you change this setting. Uniden Navigation will ask for conrmation
before it restarts.