Chapter 19 RMON-Lite
ES-1552 User’s Guide
19.5.1 RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm
Use the RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm screen to configure RMON alarms. Click Create
new Alarm view the screen as shown.
You can also click an alarm index entry in the RMON Alarm: Overview screen to edit an
existing alarm configuration.
" The RMON Alarm: Modify screen contains the same fields as the RMON
Alarm: Create New Alarm screen in the following figure.
Figure 79 RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm
This field displays the rising threshold value set up for this alarm.
This field displays the falling threshold value set up for this alarm.
Rising Event
This field indicates the index number of the event entry which corresponds to the
time when the alarm threshold was crossed.
Falling Event
This field indicates the index number of the event entry which corresponds to the
time when the alarm threshold was crossed.
Owner This field displays the name of the creator of this entry.
Delete Click this to remove the selected alarm entry.
Table 60 RMON Alarm: Overview (continued)