Chapter 19 RMON-Lite
ES-1552 User’s Guide
Select [9] Event Log in the RMON MIB Table: drop down list box in any RMON Lite
screen to view the screen as shown.
Figure 82 RMON Event Log: Overview.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
19.7.1 RMON Event Log: Event
Use the RMON Event Log: Event screen to view the details of existing RMON event log
entries. Click on the specific Event Index numbers in the RMON Event Log: Overview
screen to view the screen as shown.
Figure 83 RMON Event Log: Event
Table 64 RMON Event Log: Overview
Use this drop down list box to select the MIB table you want to view. Click Apply to
refresh the screen to the selected MIB table view.
Refresh Click this to update all the fields in the RMON Event Log: Overview screen.
Event Index This field displays an event index number.
Event Type This field displays the action taken when this event occurred: None, Log, Trap, or
Log and Trap.
Last Time Sent This field indicates the value of system up time on the switch when this event was
last generated. It appears in the following format “XXD: XXH: XXM: XXS”, where
“XX” stands for a number and “D” stands for days, “H” for hours, “M” for minutes and
“S” for seconds.
Owner This field displays the entry creator. It displays “monitor” if the entry was created by
the switch itself.