2. Installation procedures
2.2 Adjustment the 3D polarization filters
Why adjusting the 3D polarization filters?
For optimal performance of the 3D polarization filters, the projected surface upon the polarization filters shou ld be as big as possible
without loss of content. The design of the 3D polarization as sem bly makes it possible to adjust the position of the filters in the X, Y
and Z direction.
This procedure assumes that the projected imag es of both stacked projectors are already aligned.
Why adjusting the 3D polarization filters?
1. Adjust the Y direction of the polarization filters until the center of the projected image matches the center of the polarization filter.
Release the two knobs (reference 1, image 2-4) to reposition the assembly with polarization filt
ers. It may be necessary to release
the corner bracket (reference 2, image 2-4). Use a 4 mm Allen wrench to release the corner bracket.
Tip: Once the Y direction is correctly aligned, install the corner bracket against the assembly with polarization filters. This
corner bracket will function as a reference to reposition the polarization filters for 3D pro
jection after they were retraced
for 2D projection.
Image 2-4
2. Adjust the he ight (Z direction) of each polarization filter until the center of the projected image matches the center of the polar-
ization filter. Release the two wing nuts (reference 3, image 2-5) to reposition the polarization filter. Tighten the wing n uts when
Image 2-5
3. Adjust the X direction of the polarization filters, by sliding the upper frame away or towards the projection lenses, until the pro-
jected surface upon the polarization filters is as big as pos sible without loss of content. Release the two w ing s crews (reference
4, im age 2-6) at bo th sides of the assem bly to reposition the assembly. Tighten the wing screws when finished.
R5905072 POLARIZATION 3D KIT 28/02/2011