2. Installation procedures
2.3 Cleaning the polarization filters
When cleaning the polarization filters?
Only clean the polarization filters in case it is really necessary. This means in case dust is clearly visible upon the surface of the
polarization filters.
Hazardous product. Irritating to eyes an d skin. Always use in a w ell ventilated area. Vapors may cause drowsi-
ness and dizziness. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advise.
Hazardous product. Lightly flammable. Always use in a well ven tilated area. Keep away from sources of
ignitions. Do not smoke while working with isopropanol. Exclusive keep in original con tainer tightly closed
at a cool, well ventilated an d fireproof storage space.
Necessary tools
• Compressed air.
• Clean Toraysee
• Clean cotton cloth.
• Demineralized water.
• Isopropanol alcohol.
How to clean the polarization filters?
1. Try to blow away the dust with compressed air.
2. Is all dust removed from the polarization filters?
If yes, stop this cleaning procedure.
If no, wipe o ff the dust of the polarization filters. Use for that a clean Toraysee
Caution: Always wipe in a single direction. Do not wipe back and forwards across the filter surface as t his tends to grind dirt
into the coating.
Tip: Limit the number of wipe movements. This to protect the optical coating. It is better to wipe of the dust w ith one good
wipe movement then with 10 soft wipe moveme nts.
3. Is all dust removed from the polarization filters?
If yes, stop this cleaning procedure.
If no, wipe off the dust of the polarization filters first with a clean cotton cloth and demineralized water and than with a clean
Tip: Use isopropanol alcohol instead of demineralized water to remove fingerprints.
Do not leave cleaning cloth in either an open room or lab coat pocket, as doing so can co ntaminate the cloth.
If smears o ccur when cleaning lenses, replace the cloth. Smears are the firstindicationofadirtycloth.
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