Day Time Photo Results Night Time Photo Results Recommended
Day Only STD Normal color & exposure Photos not taken YES
Night Only LED Photos not taken Black & White, good
24 Hour LED Normal, may be dark during
cloudy conditions or late hours
Black & White, good
Good (Better night results,
ash is undetected)
Day Only LED May be dark during cloudy
conditions or late hours
Photos not taken NO
Night Only STD Photos not taken Slight pink or reddish color OK to use
24 Hour STD Normal color & exposure Slight pink or reddish color Good (Better day results)
All new Trail Scout models have a “moon phase” stamp feature. is links the current date (as set by the user in
the setup procedure) to the phase of the moon on that date (this data is stored on an internal memory chip), and
imprints a icon on your photo which represents the moon phase when the photo was taken. e moon phase
icon will appear on your photos in the lower le, next to your name and the Bushnell logo. Some hunters will
nd this to be a useful reference, as it can help determine if particular animals are inactive at night when a full or
nearly full moon is present, causing them to be more visible to predators. Or, if some of your night photos seem
to have a darker or lighter background (beyond the range of the LED lamps or ash), you can see if that was
related to how bright the moon was at the time. e icons for the various phases of the moon are shown above.
Other Setup Notes (cont.)
New Full
Waxing > Waning > New