Canon F1-N Film Camera User Manual

16.1 Match-needle Metering 16 EYE-LEVEL FINDER FN
3. Place your subject so that it fills the rectangular area in the center of the
viewfinder. This shaded portion is the light measuring area of the camera’s
silicon photocell and is 12% of the field of view.
4. Turn the meter mode selector to the desired mode. Then lightly press the
shutter button halfway to turn on the meter.
The meter needle should be outside of the exposure warning zones. If it is
in either zone, turn the shutter dial until the meter needle moves out of the
5. For correct exposure, turn the lens’ aperture ring until the center of the aper-
ture needle aligns with the meter needle. The diameter of the circle is equiv-
alent to one f/stop, and exposure adjustment is possible in one-half f/stop
increments simply by turning the lens’ aperture ring.
one f/stop
one half f/stop
The aperture needle moves only b etween the minimum and maximum aper-
tures of the lens in use.
The meter does not operate with the shutter dial on ”B” or ”S”.r