Manual Diaphragm Control
FD Lenses without Chrome Mount Ring except for FD Macro Lenses
1. Insert the slot of the accessory manual diaphragm adapter over the tip of the
automatic aperture lever at the rear of the lens. Push the lever counterclock-
wise and lower the adapter into the groove.
2. Mount the lens on the accessory.
The diaphragm blades will now open or close as you turn the aperture ring.
When the manual diaphragm adapter is attached, never mount the lens di-
rectly on the camera or on an accessory designed for automatic diaphragm
control, such as the Auto Bellows or Bellows FL.
FD Lenses vvith Chr ome Mount Ring and FD Macro Lenses (except for
FD 200mm f/4 Macro Lens)
1. Push the automatic aperture lever at the rear of the lens countesclockwise
until it automatically locks.
2. Mount the lens on the accessory.
Some of these le nses have an additional lock lever. With these lenses, push the