19 Shutter-priority AE
When the AE Power Winder FN or AE Motor Drive FN is attached to the New
Canon F-1, a choice of shutter-priority AE or manual exposure is available according
to the shooting situation and your personal preference.
For shutter-priority AE, simply turn the lens’ aperture ring to the ”A” mark and
turn the shutter dial to the desired speed. The aperture scale and the shutter
spee ‘which you have selected are displayed, as in match-needle metering, to the
right of the field of view. The aperture needle, however, disappears from view.
When you press the shutter button halfway, the meter needle will point to the aper-
ture which the camera has selected automatically. If the meter needle points to
either the over- or underexposure warning mark, simply turn the shutter dial until
the needle moves away from the mark.
With both the AE Finder FN and the power winder or motor drive attached, any of