39 Preparing Your Machine For Fax Chapter 6
X Guidelines For Entering Numbers, Letters, And Symbols
1 Press [ ] to switch to uppercase letter mode (:A), lowercase letter mode
(:a), or number mode (:1).
2 Use the Numeric Keys to enter a character. Press the button repeatedly
until the character you want appears.
z To enter two characters that are under the same button:
1. Press the Numeric Key, press [X], then press the same Numeric Key again.
z To enter a space:
1. Press [X] twice.
In number mode, press [X] once.
z To delete a character:
1. Press [W].
z To delete an entire entry :
1. Press and hold [W].
Without lowercase letter mode:
Button Letter mode Number mode
[1] 1
[2] ABCabc 2
[3] DEFdef 3
[4] GHIghi 4
[5] JKLjkl 5
[6] MNOmno 6
[7] PQRSpqrs 7
[8] TUVtuv 8
[9] WXYZwxyz 9
[0] 0
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