Installing the Operating System on the Cisco Unified Communications Server, Versions 2000.4.3 and 2000.4.3a
Frequently Asked Questions About the Operating System Installation
Which Cisco-verified, third-party applications may I install on the server?
Caution Cisco supports a limited list of applications on the servers where Cisco Unified CallManager is installed.
If you are uncertain whether a third-party application is supported, do not install it on the server.
To review a list of third-party, Cisco-verified applications that you may install on the server, perform the
following procedure:
Step 1 Click http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/ecoa/Search.
Step 2 In the Solution drop-down list box, click IP Communications.
Step 3 From the Solution Category drop-down list box, choose Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance (OAM).
Step 4 If you want to do so, choose a company.
Step 5 Click Search.
Caution Installing or using Netscape Navigator on the Cisco MCS or the Cisco-approved, customer-provided
server causes severe performance problems.
Must I disable Cisco-verified applications?
Except for the first operating system installation, you must disable Cisco Security Agent as well as any
third-party, Cisco-verified applications on your servers whenever you perform a reinstallation or upgrade
of the operating system.
Caution To successfully complete installation, upgrade, or restoration procedures, you must disable and stop all
Cisco-verified applications/services on every server in the cluster.
To disable services, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. From
the Services window, right-click the service and click Properties. Click the drop-down arrow for the
Startup-type field and choose Disabled. Click Stop; then, click OK.
Disabling and stopping platform agents and services, such as Cisco Security Agent, performance
monitoring (for example, NetIQ), antivirus service (for example, Cisco-verified McAfee services), and
remote management services, ensure that the installation does not encounter issues that are associated
with these services.