
resolution and compression ratio. The LCD display will always show the
status of the resolution and the number of photos left that you may take
unless the Function Button is pressed. The highest storage of photos will
19 photos --- “Hi” resolution + “Ld” compression
76 photos --- “Lo” resolution + “Ld” compression
38 photos --- “Hi” resolution + “Hd” compression
152 photos --- “Lo” resolution + “Hd” compression
Press the Shutter release to take a photo and the balance of the photos
you have remaining in memory (based on the mode you have set) will be
displayed as a digit on the LCD display. Each consecutive photo taken
will reduce the counter by one digit. Each time you change the resolution,
the number of photos remaining to be taken will change. If some photos
were taken in a low resolution mode, then later you switch to a higher
resolution, the lower resolution photos will remain in low resolution.
Download Photos
Please take the following steps to download the photos.
1. Connect your camera to computer with USB cable correctly.
2. Double-click the PhotoImpression icon on your desktop.