Epson CS2 Photo Printer User Manual

Digital Technology Group, Inc.
Tampa, FL
DTG Digital Color Learning Guide
Epson Printing - Photoshop CS2
on Windows
Epson Printing - Photoshop CS2 on Windows Page: 6
On this same Printer Properties window we can set our page size. You can select from a
preset size list or create your own custom size. Our image in this example is an odd size -
15.6 inches wide by 13.5 inches tall so we will create a custom page size.
1. ClickontheUserDenedbuttonnexttotheSizedroplistinthePaperSettingSection.
* Please note that in choosing a paper size you do not need to select the size of the roll
of paper that you have loaded in the printer. You just need to select or create a large
enough page size that ts the image size of the le that you are trying to print.