Welcome to Hasselblad !
The sensational Hasselblad H4D builds on and expands the impressive feature
set of the much praised H3D camera-line. Developments have raised the bar for
medium format photography, placing Hasselblad in rst place around the world
yet again.
Hasselblad cameras, famed for quality and reliability, were chosen to record
the lunar missions – there could hardly be better praise than that. Hasselblad
con tinues the tradition of building on well proven technologies, refining and
im proving to raise standards, always to produce a better product. By using
Hasselblad equipment you share the decision made by of some of the world’s
best and most famous photographers. Congratulations on picking a winner −
you won't be disappointed.
Medium Format digital capture advantage
In digital photography, the advantages of large format cameras have become even more
obvious. The 6×4.5 cm window allows the H4D to use the largest image sensors current-
ly available in digital photography – up to more than twice the physical size of a 35mm
camera sensor. Consequently the sensor holds more and larger pixels, which deliver the
highest possible image quality in terms of moiré-free color rendering without gradation
break-ups in even the nest lit surfaces.