HP (Hewlett-Packard) ACC2 Aurora Digital Camera User Manual

running in burst mode. The default is normal mode, but the
operator can change to burst mode by pressing the Burst option
button in the ACC2 window.
When ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC is 1 in the configuration file :
When composing the sequence file the operator must allow the
program to read the run file and the timer file or the Garmin
GPS 12XL receiver. This is done the ACC_CONTROL_SEC second
specified in the configuration file. The ACC2 program needs
about 2 seconds to perform these tasks.
When ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC is 2 in the configuration file:
In this case the c$ is used (see below).
f$ is the filter number
$ = 1 for 630.0 nm
$ = 2 for 557.7 nm
$ = 3 for 427.8 nm
e$$$ is the exposure time in milliseconds
g$ is the intensifier gain (0, 1, 2 or 3)
s$ is save image to hard disk (1 = yes, 0 = no)
u$ is save image to external disk (1 = yes, 0 = no)
c$ is read the run file and the timer file
or the Garmin
. GPS 12XL receiver after the image is captured (1 = yes,
. 0 = no)
# sequence file: x1.seq
# The camaera run either in normal or burst mode
# t* is normal mode (* is seconds in the minute)
# b* is burst mode (* is second in the minute)
# f* is filter number (1: 630.0nm , 2: 557.7 nm, 3: 427.8 nm)
# g* is intensifier gain (0,1,2 or 3)
# e* is exposure time in ms
# s* save to harddisk, 1: yes , 0: no
# u* save to network disk, 1: yes , 0: no
# c* is perform control check after this image , 1: yes, 0: no
# normal mode sequence
t0 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u1 c1
t30 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0
# burst mode sequence
b0 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u1 c1
b10 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0
b20 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c0
b30 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0
b40 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c0
b50 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0
# end of file
This example shows the camera should take two images pr. minute
in normal mode and six images pr. minute in burst mode. The