HP (Hewlett-Packard) M437 Digital Camera User Manual

Lens Error (general)—M430–021, M530–021
Lens Error (zoom cannot retract)—M430–022, M530–022
Lens Error (lens cannot extend)—M430–033, M530–033
Lens Error (zoom in failed)—M430–041, M530–041
Lens Error (zoom out failed)—M430–081, M530–081
Unsupported card—M430–200, M530–200
Unable to format card—M430–202, M530–202
Error saving image—M430–100, M530–100
Error saving video—M430–102, M530–102
Batteries Low (followed by data on battery types and performance)—AA–400 (this
error message and its corresponding code is not camera-specific)
Camera error messages 37