Hitachi VM-E565LA Camcorder User Manual

Camcorder Power Sources
You 0(;; _use the c s,'4rged ©afiory pack, AC odGoK_; 0D,'ov tJo¢i) or Cc_rbctfery co<:: (o\o+,'o w_0 to po,4,e_
<-e Cc_,-0cordeK ,¢tfo{ use, be swe fo romote the !sowersuOo/y
Using Battery Pack . ,:: , :
1 A ach th<' ch3ned baier} pack to _he cam_
corder. (See pages i?-dS for a[tacsment an<
eha_ ;{ b ittery pad<}
* -<.,t
Using the AC Adaptor ::: : :
R ,e_Tseensuy<÷ 'hat "he CAfv_!O£F/VtDEO switch s k! the OFF posit o_,}_,_t _ ev,_r a T_,;', _, ,g c; _ roc "J;_o
AC Adapto_
T% AC Outlet
To DC IN lak
)_3t]d: Make sure ti3a the' _d_" blade fits k3t_
th:,_ wide s]ot. If itd )esn't !'i try :ev"rsing i. t:
you sd]1 cannot make fit d!c bbdes _u]lyinto{b
out]el either con[at[ m3 @]eCtt'daf} [0 replace
},ourobsoie_eo Jt]et,or 'usea pe]ar zcd eerd or
out _,1accessory.
Note: he AC @d(spto<c_]nbe used a_ound ihe
_,/oddAn AC plt]()cd<%)br is {equiredi!] so;Ye
foregn couqfJes f you need one purcm¢]se it
Cit yot! Hocki disidbuto':
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AC Ph_g Adaptor A( 200 - 240V
(;_ot supplied)
_20 HtTACH!