Hitachi VM-E565LA Camcorder User Manual

Using Manuat Focus
_ _q:ess tl_e FOCUS/VOL. control butt<ns s mub
a :eo* sly "FOOL S _"d splays i> the vie>,-L_nde
o__ on _be ],(_]D moni/£. You can adjust t!,e
focus pAa _ua t3'
control to zoom to the pfcfnre you wmt. the pic-
ture nay {a!l ou:: of focus v,, u:e actuat !'ecording
Press the I:'(}Ct_Si\,OL con[to! _ (a_) "_
nea_') butte: uni] the subject is in fo( us,
Use []]_ [)o_,vet' Zo()lt_ _ < __ 1"0tt) ZOO:-q [>ack [o
_-h<_{)icturo TO4 des[to
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VOL, coniro: [ ufio< s <]d ]he "FQC iS" dsc_)
<seurs ron h< v{ewisde o LCf} moritor
Powet Zoom COnlrO}
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