1 - 8
is the first time that the image scanner and base are linked, both devices emit a
short chirp when their radios link. At this point, you are set to one image scan-
ner to one base.
1. Provide power to the base.
2. Place the image scanner into the base. The image scanner and base link.
3. To determine if your cordless system is set up correctly, scan one of the
sample bar codes in the back of this manual. If the image scanner provides
a single good read beep and the green LED lights, the image scanner has
successfully linked to the base. If you receive a triple error beep and the red
LED lights, the image scanner has not linked to the base. Refer to page 14-
4 for troubleshooting information.
Communication Between the Cordless System
and the Host
The cordless image scanner provides immediate feedback in the form of a
“good read” indication (a green LED on the image scanner and an audible
beep) after a bar code is scanned correctly and the base has acknowledged
receiving the data. This is possible since the cordless system provides two-way
communication between the image scanner and the base.
Image Scanner
2020 Base
Green LED