3 - 5
Good Read Delay
This sets the minimum amount of time before the scanner can read another
bar code.
Default = 0 ms (No Delay).
User-Specified Good Read Delay
If you want to set your own length for the good read delay, scan the bar
code below, then set the delay (from 0-30,000 milliseconds) by scanning
digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save.
Manual Trigger Mode
When in manual trigger mode, the scanner scans until a bar code is read, or
until the trigger is released.
Default = Manual Trigger-Normal.
Serial Trigger Mode
You can activate the scanner either by pressing the trigger, or using a serial trig-
ger command (see Trigger Commands on page 9-4). When in serial mode, the
scanner scans until a bar code has been read or until the deactivate command
is sent. The scanner can also be set to turn itself off after a specified time has
elapsed (see Read Time-Out, which follows).
* No Delay
Short Delay (500 ms)
Medium Delay (1,000 ms)
Long Delay (1,500 ms)
User-Specified Good Read Delay
* Manual Trigger - Normal