Intel 05-2409-003 Digital Camera User Manual

104 Global Call API for HMP on Windows Programming Guide — August 2006
Alarm Handling
8.2.4 Starting and Stopping Alarm Transmission
Note: This section applies to E1, T1 and ISDN technologies only.
GCAMS is automatically started when Global Call is started. However, to begin the transmission
of alarms to the remote side, the gc_TransmitAlarms( ) function must be called. The
gc_TransmitAlarms( ) function sends all alarms as specified in the ALARM_LIST data structure
for a given alarm source object.
To stop the transmission of alarms to the remote side, use the gc_StopTransmitAlarms( )
8.2.5 Retrieving Alarm Data
The GCAMS database contains the following information:
A list, by call control library, of all the boards that are currently open
Information about each opened board, including the board name, the call control library ID, all
open time slots on the board, alarm source objects associated with the device, and the alarm
callback procedure
A list of registered alarm source objects and their attributes. (Alarm source objects are
registered automatically when the gc_Start( ) function is called.)
Default alarm source object data (provided by GCAMS) Alarm Numbers and Names
Alarm events are identified in the database by name and number. The following functions are used
to retrieve the names, numbers and IDs and to convert them from one to the other:
gc_AlarmName( )
converts the alarm name to its text name, for a given event. Alarm names are assigned by the
developer for use in report generation.
gc_AlarmNumber( )
retrieves the alarm number, for a given event. Alarm numbers (values) are predefined for a
given ASO. See the Global Call API Library Reference for ASOs that are common to multiple
call control libraries.
gc_AlarmNumberToName( )
converts the alarm number to its text name Alarm Source Object IDs and Names
Alarm source objects (ASOs) are identified in the GCAMS database by the ASO ID and by the
ASO name. ASOs that are not part of a call control library have predefined names, as provided in
the Global Call API Library Reference. The names of ASOs that are part of a call control library
are provided in the appropriate Global Call Technology Guide.