Intel 05-2409-003 Digital Camera User Manual

114 Global Call API for HMP on Windows Programming Guide — August 2006
Real Time Configuration Management
9.4 Getting and Setting Parameter Information
The Global Call RTCM feature supports the retrieval (E1, T1 and ISDN technologies only) or
updating (all technologies) of multiple parameters of the same target object in a single Global Call
API function call. The functions used to get and set configuration data are as follows:
gc_GetConfigData( ) (E1, T1 and ISDN technologies only)
retrieves the configuration data from a given target object
gc_SetConfigData( ) (all technologies)
updates the configuration data of a given target object
The function call must include a valid target object that is consistent with the target ID. In addition,
the following conditions must exist:
Valid parameters (set ID and parm ID) supported by this target object
Correct parameter data type and data value
Appropriate control parameters (programming mode, timeout, update condition) have been
The set ID and parm ID as well as the data type and data value are specified in the function call
using the GC_PARM_BLK data structure.
9.4.1 GC_PARM_BLK Data Structure
As an argument of the gc_SetConfigData( ) function (all technologies) and the
gc_GetConfigData( ) function (E1, T1 and ISDN technologies only), the configuration data is
required to be a generic GC_PARM_BLK data structure. The Global Call application must input
parameter information, such as the set ID, parm ID, and value, strictly following entry
specifications. In addition to inputting a valid set ID and parameter ID, the parameter value size
must match the parameter data type. For example, a long data type has four bytes. A character
string value is terminated by a NULL (\0). The Global Call utility functions must be used to
allocate or deallocate the GC_PARM_BLK memory, insert a parameter, or retrieve a parameter.
See the Global Call API Library Reference for more information on the utility functions
(gc_util_xxx functions).
The customer application should not configure the same parameter more than once in one single
function call; otherwise, the results will be undetermined. Also, the customer application must only
configure one target object in one function call. Otherwise, the mixture of parameters of different
target objects in the GC_PARM_BLK will be rejected by the Global Call RTCM API functions.
9.4.2 Control Parameters
The Global Call RTCM API control parameters ensure the efficiency of the retrieve (E1, T1 and
ISDN technologies only) or update (IP technology) configuration process and that the application
program is not blocked. The application can specify:
the programming mode
the timeout interval for completing the retrieval or update