Global Call API for HMP on Windows Programming Guide — August 2006 125
Real Time Configuration Management
The procedure for setting the configuration of a board device in asynchronous mode for IP
technology is as follows:
1. The channel has an active call. Create the target object data (that is, a GC_PARM_BLK data
structure) with the appropriate set ID, parm ID, value size, and value buffer by calling the
Global Call utility functions. See the Global Call API Library Reference for more information.
2. Call the gc_SetConfigData( ) function with:
target_type = GCTGT_CCLIB_NETIF
target_id = Global Call line device ID
time_out = 0
mode = EV_ASYNC
update condition = GCUPATE_ATNULL
3. If the gc_SetConfigData( ) function is successful, a GCEV_SETCONFIGDATA event is
received. If the GCEV_SETCONFIGDATA_FAIL event is received, call the gc_ResultInfo( )
function to find the error and correct it.