Setting Mode of FTP Server
Format /api/param?application.ftp.mode=data
Example /api/param?application.ftp.mode=active
Example of Response application.ftp.mode&200 OK
Interpretation Change the mode of FTP server that is used by alarm action. Set active or passive. Default is
active mode: Standard mode of FTP server. Also called PORT mode. TCP connection for data is established
from 20 port of FTP server to 10020 port of the camera.
passive mode: TCP connection for data is established from the camera to FTP server. Port number depends on
FTP server.
Allowed user admin, operator
Getting Control Port Number of FTP Server
Format /api/param?application.ftp.port
Example of Response application.ftp.port=21&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire port number for control of FTP server that is used by alarm action. Port number for data
plus one is the port number for control.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Control Port Number of FTP Server
Format /api/param?application.ftp.port=data
Example /api/param?application.ftp.port=21
Example of Response application.ftp.port&200 OK
Interpretation Change port number for control of FTP server that is used by alarm action. Default is 21. Port
number for data plus one is the port number for control.
Allowed user admin, operator
Getting Port Number of RTSP Server
Format /api/param?network.rtsp.port
Example of Response network.rtsp.port=554&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire port number for RTSP server.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Port Number of RTSP Server
Format /api/param?network.rtsp.port=data