Network Settings
Bit Rate of Audio
Only 1 audio data stream can be received. Data volume
for 1 audio stream is 64 kbps. Audio data volume may be
calculated using the following formula.
64 kbps x no. of streams
The number of streams is the total number of streams
sent via TCP (number of clients), streams sent via
multicast, and stream received by camera
(Example) When camera sends out 2 audio streams and
receives 1 audio stream, data volume will be as follows.
64 kbps x 3 = 192 kbps
Restrictions on the Number of
Distributions for camera
he maximum number of distributions for
determined by the settings as well as requirements
from the client.
or JPEG distribution, you can select either “Frame Rate
Priority” mode or “Client number Priority” mode. “Frame
Rate Priority” mode distributes JPEG images according
to the frame rate requested by the client. The maximum
number of distributions is determined based on the
highest bit rate within the distribution streams. For “Client
number Priority” mode, if there are requests from multiple
clients, JPEG images are distributed in a lower frame rate
than that requested to cater to multiple clients. It can
accept 20 distribution requests as the maximum number
of clients.
When Frame Rate Priority Mode is Selected
JPEG images are distributed at the frame rate requested
by the client.
When a distribution request that exceeds the maximum
number of distributions is received, this request is denied.
When only JPEG images are distributed
For example, if Client A requests for JPEG at 1 Mbps,
while Client B requests for JPEG at 5 Mbps, additional 2
streams (total 4 streams) of distribution are possible for
request below 5 Mbps.
Maximum number of distributions when only
JPEG data is distributed
● W
hen both JPEG and MPEG4 images are distributed
When both JPEG and MPEG4 images are distributed
simultaneously, distribution up to two clients for JPEG
and three clients for MPEG4 respectively is possible.
However, distribution requests that exceed a total bit rate
of 20 Mbps will be denied.
Maximum number of distributions when JPEG and
MPEG4 data is distributed
When only MPEG4 images are distributed
The maximum number of distributions is determined by
the preset bit rate. When a distribution request that
exceeds the maximum number of distributions is
received, this request is denied.
When distributing only MPEG4 data
When Client number Priority Mode is Selected
When only JPEG images are distributed
If the distribution request would be accepted in the frame
rate priority mode, distribution works in the same way as
frame rate priority mode, where JPEG images are
distributed at the frame rate requested by the client. If the
distribution request would be denied in the frame rate
priority mode, the frame rate is controlled such that the
maximum bit rate is as shown in the following table, to
accept distribution requests from up to 20 clients. For
example, if Client A and B request for JPEG at 10 Mbps,
and Client C requests for JPEG at 5 Mbps, the frame rate
will be reduced such that the distribution bit rate to each
client is less than 5 Mbps.
Maximum bit rate when only JPEG data is
Network Requirements
at maximum
bit rate
number of
maximum bit
1 Mbps and
20 20 Mbps
5 Mbps and
4 20 Mbps
10 Mbps and
2 20 Mbps
Larger than
10 Mbps
1 Maximum
(24 Mbps)
Maximum number
of distributions
for JPEG
Maximum number
of distributions for
Total bit rate
2 3 20 Mbps and
Preset bit
number of
Total maximum
bit rate
0.6 Mbps and
20 12 Mbps
3 Mbps and
4 12 Mbps
4 Mbps and
3 12 Mbps
6 Mbps and
2 12 Mbps
Larger than
6 Mbps
1 Maximum
configurable value
(8 Mbps)
Current number of
Maximum bit rate
Total maximum bit
2 and below 10 Mbps 20 Mbps
3 to 4 5 Mbps 20 Mbps
5 to 20 1 Mbps 20 Mbps