Leica EZ4 HD Camera Accessories User Manual

Leica E Series Manual 4
Leica ES2
Overview: Leica ES2 11
Transport, Placement and Storage 12
The Correct Interpupillary Distance 13
Using the LED illuminator 14
Focusing 15
Magnication Display 16
Adjusting the Resistance of the Focus Drive 17
Leica EZ4 and Leica EZ4 HD
Overview: Leica EZ4 19
Instrument variant: Leica EZ4 HD 20
Transport, Placement and Storage 21
The Correct Interpupillary Distance 22
Switching on the LED Illuminator 23
Controlling the Automatic Shuto 24
Illumination types 25
Focusing 26
Magnication Display 27
Adjusting the Resistance of the Focus Drive 28
Table of Contents
Eyepieces (only for Leica EZ4)
Changing Eyepieces (Only for Leica EZ4, Open Version) 30
Eyepieces and Eyecups (Only for Leica EZ4, Open Version) 31
Dioptric Correction (Only for Leica EZ4, Open Version) 32
Graticules (Only for Leica EZ4, Open Version) 34
Graticules: Preparation 35
Inserting the Graticules 36
Photography Using the Leica EZ4 HD
Leica EZ4 HD: Overview of the instrument 38
General Instructions 39
Introduction 40
Standard delivery 41
HD mode and PC mode 42
Capturing Images without a Computer in HD Mode 43
High-resolution Video Display without a Computer (HD mode) 45
PC Mode: Use with a Computer 46
PC Mode: Limitations 47
PC Mode: Additional Use of a HDMI Device 48
Conguring the White Balance 49
Restoring Factory Settings 50