You can check the usage of LG Network Storage periodically using the email
alert service. In addition, it is possible to let the pertinent user know of the regis-
tration result after the new user registration.
ystem set-up Email alert service set-up
Select ‘enable’ to use a function of email alert service. In case of selecting ‘enable’,
please proceed to steps as in the following.
Enter the server address of the email server. Please obtain help from the network
administrator, or refer to the introduction page of the email service in use, and enter
the correct value. (example: smtp.mail.yahoo.com)
If the port number the mail server is using is set up at a random value which is not
a default (25), please enter the port number. Generally the case of selecting SMTP
SSL falls into this category.
There is a server that requires a process of logging in when sending emails in ac-
cordance with the type of servers. If your mail server requires a certification, please
activated it and enter an user ID and password. (example, web mail SMTP server
such as smtp.mail.yahoo.com requires a process of certification as compulsory.
Please refer to help of the web mail service you are using)
At times it is being sent with encoding of the logging in certification information
according to the type of the mail server.. (example, it is compulsory to have SSL
certification in case of smtp.gmail.com. Please refer to help of the web mail service
you are using.)
Enter the address of the administrator who will receive the mail.
Set up as to whether you are to periodically receive the information regarding the
amount of usage of the hard disk. If you do not wish to receive message periodically,
cancel the option.
You can determine the sending cycle of information regarding the amount of usage
of the hard disk. (daily/weekly/monthly)