the different frames to start the fun! The result is a funny photo story featuring your favorite
people, pets and places.
Eek! Got a birthday coming up and don’t know what to give! Start with a unique card that
YOU’LL create.
When you click on Card, it’ll give you a choice of Birthday, Friendship or Thank You. Then you
can choose what kind of template to start with. On the first page, you can drop in a picture
for that special touch and on the inside add some beautiful words.
The Finished Product
Made a particularly funny Vid-lib you want your friends to see? Or how about Poetry you want
to share with that special someone? You can use the icons on the top bar to keep it around
until next time.
Open You can open up some fun stuff you’ve worked on before.
Save For when you want to file it away for later.
Print This dumps it right to the printer so you can hand it out.
Need to do some future planning? Here, you can text in
some events you want to remember. And if you need, you
can definitely plan in the future. Left-click on the follow-
ing icons to start:
Create New Entry
Left- click on whatever date you want to set. If you need
to change the month, you can do it by left-clicking on the
arrows at the top of the calendar.
Then left-click on the New Entry button on the left-hand side of the screen. A pop-up window
will appear. You can click on the title to remind yourself what it’s all about. Click on the de-
scription to give more details. As always, you can drag a picture off the thumb bar onto your
calendar to really spice it up.
Edit Entry
After left-clicking on the date, left-click on the Edit Entry button to update your entry and
add new details.
Use these features to add more of your personality to your entries.
Left-click on one of the following icons to start the fun stuff:
Creative Writing
Here, you can create entries about the things that interest you:
• All about me
• My family
• School
• Favorites
• Blank
Left-clicking on these options will open up even more ques-
tions. Select one and then fill out your answer on the page
(start by left-clicking on the page with your pencil icon).
“Moonlight shines on me From the sky on high, night sings Like a lovely song.” (sample haiku)
By clicking on the Poetry Icon, youare shown several types of poetry to create. Examples are
given for each one.
Limerick A 5 line funny poem where lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme with each other and lines 3
and 4 rhyme with each other.
Acrostic A poem where the first letters of each line form a line when read vertically.
Quatrain A 4 line poem where the first line rhymes with the second and line 3 rhymes
with line 4
Haiku A three line poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in
the third.
Cinquain A five line poem where each line has a purpose and a set number of words.
Like Creative Writing, just left-click on your page with the
pencil icon to start writing.
This game is a simple one; you select a scenario from the
list (like Alien or Human or A Secret World) and the Vid-
Libs will ask you to come up with six different photo-
graphs. Just drag the photos off the Thumb Bar and onto