85More on Photography
Together, image quality and size determine how much space
each photograph occupies on the memory card.
Larger, higher
quality images can be printed at larger sizes but also require
more memory, meaning that fewer such images can be stored
on the memory card (0 362).
Image Quality
Choose a file format and compression ratio (image quality).
Image Quality and Size
Option File type Description
JPEG fine
Two images are recorded: one NEF (RAW) image
and one fine-quality JPEG image.
Raw 12-bit data from the image sensor are saved
directly to the memory card.
Settings such as
white balance and contrast can be adjusted after
JPEG fine
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 4 (fine quality).
JPEG normal
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 8 (normal quality).
JPEG basic
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 16 (basic quality).