Shooting Features
j Night landscape
Slow shutter speeds are used to capture stunning night
• The focus area or focus indicator (A7) always glows green
when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway.
k Close-up
Use this mode to photograph flowers, insects, and other small
objects at close range.
• Macro mode (A 55) is enabled and the camera automatically
zooms to the closest position at which it can focus.
• The camera focuses on the area in the center of the frame. Use
focus lock to frame the picture on an object not in the center of
the frame (A64).
• The camera focuses even when the shutter-release button is not pressed halfway. You may hear
the sound of the camera focusing.
u Food
Use this mode when taking pictures of food.
• Macro mode (A 55) is enabled and the camera automatically
zooms to the closest position at which it can focus.
• You can adjust hue by pressing the multi selector H and I. The
hue setting is saved in the camera’s memory even after the
camera is turned off.
• The camera focuses on the area in the center of the frame. Use
focus lock to frame the picture on an object not in the center of
the frame (A64).
• The camera focuses even when the shutter-release button is not
pressed halfway. You may hear the sound of the camera
15m 0s