
This menu really should be called the Film menu and shown with an icon of a roll of film. More
camera settings, like autofocus, flash and timers, are set in the Custom Settings Menu (page 26),
shown by a pencil. This is Nikon's mistake; don't penalize yourself if the menu names and icons
make little sense at face value.
How to Get There
Press MENU, click left and then up and down to select the camera (shooting) menu. You'll see
"SHOOTING MENU" on the top of the LCD monitor.
What it Sets
It sets parameters related to what film used to do. The Shooting Menu sets ISO, grain, contrast,
color and a zillion other critical things that set the look of your images.
The shooting menu would make more sense if it were called the Film menu, since many other
menus also affect shooting.
The D40 appears to have all the custom image tweaks of the D2Xs and other Nikons. I can't see
anything missing except the high ISO NR strength. The D40 does have selectable dark-frame
subtraction noise reduction!
What I Change
I change a lot here. This is where I get the wild colors I love from my D40.
Optimize Image
This is where you set the look of your image, like the saturation I love.
These choices are art. There is no right or wrong if you know what you're doing and know what
you want.
I'll tell you what I use. Ignore me and Be Yourself if you prefer a different look.
Preset Choices
There are six fixed preset modes. They cannot be altered. They are:
N Normal
SO Softer
VI Vivid
VI* More Vivid
PO Portrait
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