118 Technical Notes/Appendix
White Balance and Color Temperature
Approximate color temperatures for each white balance setting are given below (values
may differ from color temperatures given by photo color meters):
* Color temperature range reflects wide variation among fluorescent light sources, ranging from low-
temperature stadium lighting to high-temperature mercury-vapor lamps.
White balance
Fine tuning
None –3 –2 –1 +1 +2 +3
Auto 3,500K–8,000K Fine tuning added to value selected by camera
Incandescent 3,000K 3,300K 3,200K 3,100K 2,900K 2,800K 2,700K
4,200K 7,200K 6,500K 5,000K 3,700K 3,000K 2,700K
Dir. sunlight 5,200K 5,600K 5,400K 5,300K 5,000K 4,900K 4,800K
Flash 5,400K 6,000K 5,800K 5,600K 5,200K 5,000K 4,800K
Cloudy 6,000K 6,600K 6,400K 6,200K 5,800K 5,600K 5,400K
Shade 8,000K 9,200K 8,800K 8,400K 7,500K 7,100K 6,700K
White balance preset — Not available