Olympus D-450ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

1 Compose the picture using the optical viewfinder.
Turn the Diopter adjustment dial to see the Autofocus mark
2 Depress the Shutter release button halfway. The Green
lamp lights.
3 Depress the Shutter release button fully to take the
picture. The camera emits two short beeps to indicate that
the shot has been taken.
4 The camera starts recording the image. The Green lamp
and an Image memory block on the control panel blink.
Unless the SmartMedia card is full, the next picture can be
taken after a few seconds*, when the Green lamp goes off.
(*See the chart on p. 74.)
5 When all four Image memory blocks appear, the Green
lamp blinks and no other operation can be performed
while the camera records the images. When one picture
has been recorded, the Green lamp goes off, and the
camera is ready for the next picture.
Taking pictures using the optical viewfinder
Shutter release button
Diopter adjustment
Green lamp