Olympus FE-150/X-730 Digital Camera User Manual

Getting to know your camera better
Some items may not be selectable from the menus when using the arrow pad.
Items that cannot be set with the current shooting mode
Items that cannot be set because of an item that has already been set:
[%] and [FLASH MODE], etc.
Some functions cannot be used when there is no card in the camera.
An image quality expresses a combination of desired image size and
compression level. Use the following examples to help determine the optimal
image quality when shooting.
To print large images on full-size paper/To edit and process images on a
[SHQ] or [HQ]
To print postcard-size images
To send as an e-mail attachment or post on a web site
g “IMAGE QUALITY Changing the image quality” (P.17)
Settings that you can change during shooting, such as the flash setting and
the [IMAGE QUALITY] setting, they do not return to their default when the
camera is turned off. To set to the default, use [RESET] function.
g “RESET Resetting the setting to the default” (P.19)
Functions that cannot be selected from menus
Selecting the optimal image quality
Setting the current camera settings to its default