
- 48 (E) -
:Colour Matrix Set Display
i B_Mg Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between blue and magenta.
B_Mg Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between blue and magenta.
Mg Gain: Increases or decreases the magenta.
Mg Phase: Varies the hue of the magenta.
Mg_R Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between magenta and red.
Mg_R Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between magenta and red.
R Gain: Increases or decreases the red.
R Phase: Varies the hue of the red.
R_Yl Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between red and yellow.
R_Yl Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between red and yellow.
Yl Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour of yellow.
Yl Phase: Varies the hue of the yellow.
Yl_G Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between yellow and green.
Yl_G Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between yellow and green.
G Gain: Increases or decreases the green.
G Phase: Varies the hue of the green.
G_Cy Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between green and cyan.
G_Cy Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between green and cyan.
Cy Gain: Increases or decreases the cyan.
Cy Phase: Varies the hue of the cyan.
Cy_B Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between cyan and blue.
Cy_B Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between cyan and blue.
B Gain: Increases or decreases the intermediate
colour between blue and magenta.
B Phase: Varies the hue of the intermediate colour
between blue and magenta.