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∫ Available Flash Settings by Recording Mode
The available flash settings depend on the Recording Mode.
(±: Available, —: Not available, ¥: Scene Mode initial setting)
¢ [ ] is displayed.
• The flash setting may change if the Recording Mode is changed. Set the flash setting again if
• The flash setting is memorised even if the camera is turned off. However, the Scene Mode flash
setting is reset to the initial setting when the Scene Mode is changed.
‡ ‰ Œ ‡ ‰ Œ
ñ ±
————± í ± — ± ——¥
· ±±±——± ï —————¥
* ±¥±——± 9 ± — ± ——¥
+ ±¥±——± ô —————¥
±¥±——± ——¥ ———
0 ±¥±——± 5 —————¥
, —————¥ 4 —————¥
6 ——¥ ——±
- ¥ — ± ——± 8 ¥ — ± ——±
. ————¥± 7 —————¥
/ —————¥¥— ± ——±
1 ± — ± ——¥¥— ± ——±
2 ———±¥± ————±¥
3 ———±±¥ ¥±±——±
: ±¥±——± n —————±
; ±¥±——±