C3401M-A (1/06) 7
Coaxitron control:
If you are going to use Coaxitron protocol to communicate with the dome system, you do not have to
set any switches. Proceed to the installation instructions that follow this section.
Non-Pelco control:
If you are going to install a protocol translator board to communicate with the dome system through
a non-Pelco controller, proceed to the installation instructions that follow this section. When you are instructed to install
the translator board, you will set the switches as described in the installation/operation manual that accompanies the
translator board.
D or P control:
If you are going to use D or P protocol to communicate with the dome system, follow the steps below to
set the switches. Refer to Figure 2.
1. Place the dome drive on a flat surface with the dome liner pointing up.
2. Point the camera straight up.
3. Using a flashlight, look straight down through the viewing slot of the dome liner. Look at the circuit board in the
bottom of the housing. Rotate the dome liner until you see two DIP switches on the circuit board.
4. Set the switches. Refer to Table A, Table B, and Table C. There are no settings for SW1.
The unit automatically detects D or P protocal.
Figure 2.
Component Locations
The data port (refer to Figure 2) allows access for on-site setup and testing of the dome system. It also is used for
uploading revised operating software and language files. Refer to
Software/Language File Upload
in the Operation/
Programming manual.
Do not remove the dome liner (refer to Figure 2). Replacing the dome liner requires qualified service
personnel; otherwise, the dome drive may not operate properly.
SW 3
SW 2