Custom Image Modes Custom White Balance
Adjustable High Sensitivity
Noise Reduction
The advanced white balance options of
the K20D and K200D allow the perfect
capture of the color white. The white bal-
ance setting can be selected from seven
pre-set options, with three options just for
uorescent lighting, plus a manual white
balance setting, and three preset color
temperatures. Additionally, each setting
can be further ne-tuned to balance even
the most dicult lighting conditions. All
settings can be veried through the digital
preview function.
As the sensitivity increases with any camera, so
does the possibility of noise. While every eort has
been made to minimize the eect of noise, some
conditions demand additional noise reduction.
However, once noise reduction has been applied
to an image, it cannot be reversed. PENTAX bodies
give the ability to apply four levels of noise reduc-
tion to meet your needs, from no adjustment to
strong control of noise.
The Custom Image modes on the K20D and K200D give
you superior control of how the PRIME processor develops
images. These modes apply saturation, hue, contrast and
sharpness settings to JPEG images, and give a starting point
for RAW image development. There is a choice of six Custom
Image modes which include:
• Bright–givesincreasedsaturation,hue,sharpnessand
contrast for images that are a bit more elaborate or colorful
straight from the camera.
• Natural–makesnoadjustmenttoimageparameters.
This is perfect for photographers who want to maximize
an image for post capture manipulation.
• Portrait–decreasescontrastandsharpnesstogivesoft,
natural skin tones.
• Landscape–increasessaturation,contrastandsharpness
for beautiful images of the natural world.
• Vibrant–maximizesallparameterstogivethebrightest
colors and enhanced sharpness for the most vivid scenes.
• B&W–mimicstheeectsofblackandwhitephotography,
including the eects of color lters. It even adds an infra-
red lter eect for dramatic monochrome scenes.
Plus, each of the Custom Image modes can be further modi-
ed to meet your needs. All settings are clearly displayed on
the LCD screen with a radar display showing how the settings
aect each color.