3. Block Type
The screen displays with small blocks. When a motion is detected in the selected blocks, the small
blocks are displayed on the screen.
[PRESET] : The whole screen becomes the motion detection area.
[USER...] : You can manually set the motion detection area. Use the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT,
ENTER to set the area. To erase the selected block, press the ENTER.
To select [RET], press UP key on the top block or press DOWN key on the bottom block and then
press ENTER key to return a upper menu.
In order to set the motion detection area on your own, you have to specify the size and location for
the area setting. When [ON] is selected in DISPLAY, the detected motion is displayed on the screen
and the camera sends the Alarm Out signal. You can also assign the sensitivity for motion detection.
- MOTION DET menu is not available for the rst 5 seconds after operating the PAN/TILT/ZOOM/FOCUS/
IRIS functions.
- Since the motion detecting function depends on the brightness of selected area, it may dysfunction due to
the different brightness between the background and object.