Effect Motion GIF
You can make Motion GIF with captured images.
Motion GIF : Taking images continuously and save them in a file. This file
supports animation.
■ How to make the Motion GIF
3. Select the image size and FPS (Frame Per
4. Select desired images by using the smart button.
5. Press the OK button and a Motion GIF file is saved.
1. Press the Edit button.
2. Press the [M.GIF] menu button.
: Captured images will be stored in black and
: Captured images will be stored in a sepia tone
(a range of yellowish brown colours).
: Captured images will be stored in a blue tone.
: Captured images will be stored in a red tone.
: Captured images will be stored in
a green tone.
: Save the image in negative mode.
By using the camera’s digital processor, it is possible to add special effects to
your images.
1. Press the Edit button.
2. Press the [EFFECT] menu button.
3. Select a desired sub menu by using the smart button.
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