Selects a function.
, , ,
Moves around the items.
Returns to the Main screen.
Top News, Politics, Money, World, Life, Sports
You can select the type of news topic to view.
Direct Functions
Menu Description
Moves up/down.
Moves right/left.
Moves the focus to the news list of the selected topic.
Returns to the upper menu screen.
Displays the stock information for the Favorite Stock Items, NYSE, and Nasdaq.
You can register up to 20 stock symbols in the [Favorite Stocks] list. If you try to register more than 20 stock symbols, the
message [You've exceeded the maximum of 20 stock symbols] is displayed.
Sub-Menu Detailed Menu
Favorite Stocks
Displays the stock information for the stock symbols registered as your favorite stock symbols.
If there are no stock symbols registered, the Add/Del Favorite menu screen is displayed.
NYSE Displays the NYSE stock information.
NASDAQ Displays the NASDAQ stock information.
You can add and delete a stock symbol to and from the Favorite Stocks list.