Toshiba IK-WD12A Security Camera User Manual

■ Camera tampering detection
This option allows the Network Camera to trigger when the camera detects that is is being tampered
with. To enable this function, you need to congure the Tampering Detection option rst. Please refer
to page 77 for detailed information.
Event Schedule
Specify the period for the event.
■ Select the days of the week.
■ Select the recording schedule in 24-hr time format.
Dene the actions to be performed by the Network Camera when a trigger is activated.
■ Trigger digital output for
Select this option to turn on the external digital output device when a trigger is activated. Specify the
length of the trigger interval in the text box.
■ Move to preset location
Select this option, the Network Camera will move to the preset location when a trigger is activated.
Please setup the preset locations first. Please refer to Preset Locations on page 79 for detailed