For Australia Target Customers
Return faulty camera to the Refund
Counter at the store where purchased.
Technical Support
For technical support issues please visit our website at www.vivitar.com. You can find manuals,
software and FAQ‟s at the website. Can‟t find what you are looking for? E-mail us at
support@vivitar.com and one of our technical support team members will answer your questions.
For phone support in the US please call 1-800-592-9541, in the UK call 0800 917 4831, in
Australia call 1800 006 614. If you would like to call from anywhere else, please visit
www.vivitar.com for your local toll free number.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I have taken photos, but my computer says "No photos in camera." What do I do?
First, ensure that you have taken photos with your camera. Press the shutter button a few times to take some sample
photos and try again. If you still get a no photos error, this indicates that the software was not installed correctly or your
computer may not meet the minimum system requirements (see the Computer System Requirements section of this
Q: How do I make sure I don't lose important pictures?