Timed Baking
Wall Ovet_
Using the
timed baking
and roasting
N07_: l_)o(I.s thai spoil easily, sueh as mill:, <g:g:s,
.fish, stq]jh_s, poldt* 3' at_d pork, shouh[ t_ot be
alb'wed to sit fbr more tha_ l hour b(f)re o*'((tier
eookb_g: Room lemperatui'e p*vmoles the ,¢rowtho/
har*@d baete*'ia. Be sure thai the oven I{g'htis off
beeause heat fi*)m the bulb will sped ha*'_/)ll baeteria
On double oven models, you can use timed
baking in one o\ en while using sell:clean in the
other; you can also use timed baking in both
()veils at tile same time.
How to set
an immediate
start and
The oven will tum_ on immediately and eooh fi*r a
seh, lted ler_Klh o/time. A t the end o/the iookb_ K lime
the oven will turn (:/,/automatically.
Make sure the oven clock shows the correct
time of day.
1 Press the BAKE pad.
2 Using the number pads, enter the desired
3 Press the COOK TIME pad.
NOTE" I your *;,gi )e *e_ui*w )rekealir_g;_"J. l l I .... , to. me)
m,ed to add additior:al lime to lit:, ler_gtk (:flit::
(ookb_K lime.
4 Using the number pads, enter the desired
baking time, The oven temperature and
the cooking time that you entered will be
5 Press the START pad.
The display shows the oven temperature
that you set and the cooking time countdown.
(The display starts changing once the
temperature reaches 100°El
N07_: On double oven model,s, wken asir_g"both
oveas at the same tim6 the limes showir_g" ia the
disph O'will be/br the last ovea set. 7b disJda)' the
time set./or the fi*:d oven set; press the COOK 77ME
pad /br that oven.
The oven will continue to cook fi)r the
programmed alllO/lllt of time, then shut oft
automatically, unless the _%_tRM feature was set.
See the How to set tke ovea fin' rvarmi_:{" section.
6 Press the CLEAR/OFF pad to clear the