How to set
the oven Jot
when using
the probe
Insert the probe into the n/eat.
Pluo_ the probe into the outlet in the o_ei1.
Make sure it is pushed all the way in.
Close the oxen door.
Press tile PROBE pad.
Press the nunlber pads to set the desired
internal fi)od or nleat teinl)erature. The
nlaxinlunl internal teini)erature fl)r tile food
that you can set is 200°F.
5 Press the BAKE pad.
6 Press the nunlber pads to set the desired
o_,en teillperat life.
7 Press tile START pad.
77_,¢displr 9' will flash !/tt_,¢ probe is inserted into
the 0uiM and you have not ,set a probe temperature
and Dressed the START Dad.
When the o_en starts to heat, the word "I,O"
will be in the displa).
AIter the internal teinl)erature of the
n/eat reaches 100°K the changino internal
tenlperature will be shown in tile display.
8 When tile internal teinl)erature of tile nleat
reaches tile nun/her you have set, tile probe
and tile ()veil turn off and tile ()veil control
signals. To stop tile signal, press tile
CLEAR/OFF pad. Use hot pads to ren/ove
tile probe fl'oin tile ti)od. Do not use tongs
to pull on it--they n/ight dan/age it.
To chanoe_ tile oven teinl)erature durino_ tile
Roast c_cle press the BAKE pad and then the
nunlber pads to set tile new ten/l)erature.
• If tile probe is renloved fl'oin tile fi)od 1)etk)I'e
the final teini)erature is reached, a tone will
sound and tile display will flash until tile
l)I'obe is I'elllOVed ti'Oill tile ()veil.
• You can use tile tinier even thou,*h xou
cannot rise tin/ed oxen ol)erations.