Wall Ovet_
How to set
the oven
jbr warming
D,arm keeps cooked foods warm tor up to
3 horn's atter tile cooking flmction is finished,
or it can be activated independently to kee I)
ah'eady cooked tbods warm.
This feature is not designed to reheat cold
To use this teature independently, press
tile WARM/PROOF pad once and then tile
START pad.
To activate this teature for use atter Timed
Baking or Roasting, press the WARM/PROOF
pad once while programming tile oven and
before pressing START.
To Crisp Stale Items
* Place tood in low-sided dishes or pans.
• For best results, place tile fi)od items in a
single layer; do not stack.
* Leave them tlllCovered,
• Check crispness after 20-30 minutes. Add
time as needed.
• Food should be h(J)t hot in its eoohb_g" container or
tran,!fi_rred to a heat-s@_ servb_g" dish,
• For moist./bo(5, _ov('r them with an ore>s@ lid or
aluminum jbig
• Fried or erispjbods do not need to be eove*_,d but
_an become too d*y !/ warmed jbr too hmg-
• Repeated openit_g" of the door alhrws the hot air to
escape and the/hod to _ool.
" AIIow extra timejbr the temperatlm, b_side the oven
to stabilize qfier addling" items.
• With Imi_e loads it may be neees_sa*3' to cover some
o/the eoohed,/bod items.
• Remove servb_g" spoo_s, et<, b@m, pl(.i_g"
_ontaine_:s in the ovt,_.
• Do not use plasti( eontaine*:s, li& or plastie wrap,
CAUTION: Plasti_ eontainez:s; li& or plastic wrap
will melt !/ pla_ ed in the oven. Melted plasti_ may
not be removab# and is not _overed under your
_{I)(Irr(l ?_l y,