The meters are supplied with the ad-
vanced BEPS (Battery Error Prevention
System) technology, which detects a low
battery condition and warn the user by
displaying the "V" symbol.
When the low battery indicator appears, the battery can support
approximately 5 hours of use.
When the battery level becomes too low to ensure reliable readings,
the instrument automatically shuts off.
Battery replacement must only take place in a safe area and using a
9V alkaline battery.
To replace the rundown battery, remove
the two screws on the rear cover of the
instrument and replace the battery with
a new one, while paying attention to
the correct polarity.
After battery replacement, always
recalibrate the meter.
After evry series of measure-
ments, rinse the probe with
tap water.
If a more thorough cleaning
is required, remove the PVC
sleeve and clean the probe
with a cloth or a nonabra-
sive detergent.
When reinserting the sleeve
onto the probe, be sure that
the sleeve is in the right
direction with the four holes
towards the cable end.
After cleaning the probe,
always re-calibrate the
The probe body is made of
PVC. For this reason it must
never come into close con-
tact with a heat source. If
the probe is exposed to high
temperatures, the rings
might become loose or de-
tached, resulting in a serious
impairment of probe func-
tioning. In such cases, probe
needs to be replaced.